Archive for January 10th, 2012|Daily archive page

The Case of Loving v. Bigotry

The Case of Loving v. Bigotry:

“Tell the court I love my wife.”



from Like a Detuned RadioJanuary 10, 2012 at 02:19PM

My kind of panic room.

My kind of panic room.


from Like a Detuned RadioJanuary 10, 2012 at 02:07PM

If you’re conducting a training session and you keep saying, “I’ll explain that part later,” you need to re-structure your curriculum.

@ironsoapJanuary 10, 2012 at 01:29PM

Worcestershire sauce has got to be the worst name for a sauce. From now on, I’m just calling it The Shire.

@ironsoapJanuary 10, 2012 at 11:19AM

The Joy of Books (by crazedadman) This. So many times over.

The Joy of Books (by crazedadman)

This. So many times over.


from Like a Detuned RadioJanuary 10, 2012 at 08:24AM