Archive for the ‘deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780’ Category
Punk #2
Done in about 1 hour in Painter 12, Fine Point pen brush at 1.5 pixels.
There are parts of this I like (the hands on the singer are… well, they’re not good, but for me they aren’t as awful as usual), and parts I don’t (not sure what’s happening with the drummer’s face… some kind of palsy, maybe?). I kinda screwed up the file and painted right on the canvas at first, which Painter likes to stubbornly believe should always be opaque white and never transparent. So, I was going to color it but didn’t want to wrestle with the program to figure out how to do.
The rough, sketchy pen look of this was kind of fun. Reminded me of drawing fake album covers in my binders back in school.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — August 31, 2012 at 01:11AM
Octopod Up To No Good
Done in something absurd like 6.5 hours in Painter 12 with tablet.
I dunno. You should see the painter file. So many layers full of discarded ideas and failed experiments. This started out as a watercolor painting and ended up a cartoon that looks like pretty much everything else I do. Meh. Needs a better background but I’m sick of looking at it for now.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — August 20, 2012 at 01:34AM
Blue Sunrise Planet
Fiddling around with Blender to get a particular asset for a project I’m working on. Everything I know I learned from this excellent tutorial on Blender Cookie.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — August 17, 2012 at 01:52PM
Yellow Ninja
Done in Photoshop Elements 8 with tablet in about 5.5 hours.
As usual, my figure drawing leaves much to be desired. But, you can’t get better without practice, right? Feedback and critique appreciated.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — August 07, 2012 at 11:36AM
Pustule Concept Attempt #2
Taking some of :8bitartist:’s advice and inspiration from his pass on this subject (sadly the victim of a PS crash). This was done in about an hour in Photoshop Elements 8 with a tablet.
Still maybe not as goopy as it could be, and the reflection of the light source in the “water” is off somehow, but I think it’s an improvement on the original.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — August 07, 2012 at 02:33AM
Succubus Concept
Done in roughly six hours in Photoshop Elements 8 with Bamboo Capture tablet.
The image is small because my source image was small (source here). This was done basically painting right over the top of the source as a learning exercise. Lots of stuff I’d do differently if I were doing this for real (the wings, for example, I slapped on at the end and basically hate) but I spent enough time on it for now.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — August 02, 2012 at 11:00PM
Pustule Concept
Done in about 30 minutes in Photoshop Elements 8 with a tablet.
Pretty happy with how this came out, all said. Maybe could have been slimier looking. The background and text are kind of hokey.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — August 01, 2012 at 12:50AM
Gremlin Concept
More concept art from my unfinished board game.
Done in about an hour in Sketchbook Pro on iPad with stylus.
Working from a black background is kind of a unique approach for me. It was fun.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — July 31, 2012 at 08:51AM
Wyrm Concept
Some concept art for a board game I’ve been working on for (*cough*) a while.
Done in about 25 minutes in Sketchbook Pro on iPad with stylus.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — July 28, 2012 at 09:35AM
Well-Fed Alien
Done in Sketchbook Pro on iPad with stylus.
I spent a ridiculously long time on this, something like eight to ten hours, fiddling and tweaking. It’s still not really what I wanted. After all that time, the part I’m happiest with is the background, which took me about ten minutes. Posting it anyway in hopes of some helpful critiques.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — July 24, 2012 at 02:47PM