What’s This?

I realize that I’m not always great about updating my blog, ironSoap.org, but that doesn’t mean I don’t dump brain contents onto the Internet, somewhere. In fact, I usually post or publish something every day. The problem is, it’s all scattered around based on content and context: I use Twitter for daily thoughts and short conversations, I post slightly longer thoughts and anecdotes to Facebook, I have a movie reviews Tumblr, I write book reviews on Goodreads, post goofy pictures on Instagram, and occasionally I talk about games on my game blog, Tunnels of Doom… you get the point. In theory it’s all broken apart like that so I can keep thing separate: People who want to hear what I think about music but don’t care about pictures of my daughter can check in with me on Last.fm but steer clear of my Flickr.

But what about the few unfortunate souls who want to know everything that I’m putting out there? I know Facebook and probably Google+ would love to be this kind of service for me, but usually they end up linking off-site and, again, I have specific uses for each network and would rather collect everything in one distinct place reserved only for people who truly want the fire hose.

This is an experiment then, to see if I can collect all the disparate pieces of cataloging, chronicling and examining my digital life into one monstrous feed. If it works, you’ve been warned.

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