Archive for January, 2012|Monthly archive page
Appleseed: The Promethean Challenge (Appleseed, #1)
author: Masamune Shirow
name: Paul
average rating: 3.95
book published: 1985
rating: 2
read at:
date added: 2011/07/28
shelves: science-fiction, graphic-novel
Where the Wild Things Are
author: Maurice Sendak
name: Paul
average rating: 4.26
book published: 1963
rating: 3
read at:
date added: 2011/07/28
Despite the clear popularity of this book for children, I’m not actually able to put my finger on what makes it seem to great to some people. The art by Maurice Sendak is quite wonderful in a muted, detail-oriented kind of way, but I can’t escape the notion that the lesson found in the story is “Act like a brat and you can have great adventures.”
Anna Calvi “Suzanne & I” (by AnnaCalvi) Found…
Anna Calvi “Suzanne & I” (by AnnaCalvi)
Found her from this NPR mini-concert, which is equally awesome: Anna Calvi Tiny Desk Concert.
8bitmaximo: Every time I see that dude telling women about…
Every time I see that dude telling women about being sluts or that other dude telling girls about their makeup on my tumblr, I feel like doing this. So I did it.
Pixies- Debaser (Official Video) (by cnmaccess2)
Pixies- Debaser (Official Video) (by cnmaccess2)