Archive for January, 2012|Monthly archive page

Anyone who likes baseball needs to read the section about balks on this page:

@ironsoapJanuary 04, 2012 at 11:29AM

Reading @erniecline’s Ready Player One reminded me, yet again, of my pop cultural gap from never having seen Highlander.

@ironsoapJanuary 04, 2012 at 08:27AM

RT @SteveHuff: Michele Bachmann pronounces “poignant” with an audible “g.” If I knew nothing else about her, that’d probably be enough.

@ironsoapJanuary 04, 2012 at 08:26AM

Here is a Georgia State Trooper in riot gear at a KKK protest…

Here is a Georgia State Trooper in riot gear at a KKK protest in a north Georgia city back in the 80s. The Trooper is black. Standing in front of him and touching his shield is a curious little boy dressed in a Klan hood and robe. I have stared at this picture and wondered what must have been going through that Trooper’s mind. Before the Trooper is an innocent child who is being taught to hate him because of the color of his skin. The child doesn’t understand what he is being taught, and at this point he doesn’t seem to care. Like any other child his curiosity takes hold and he wants to explore this new thing that this man is holding probably because he can see his reflection in it and that’s a neat thing and he wants to check it out. In this picture I see innocence mixed with hate, the irony of a black man protecting the right of white people to assemble in protest against him, temperance in the face of ignorance, and hope that racism can be broken because this young boy may remember that a black man smiled at him once and he didn’t seem so bad after all.

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from Like a Detuned RadioJanuary 03, 2012 at 11:16AM

50 Years Ago: The World in 1961

50 Years Ago: The World in 1961:

Alan Taylor – In Focus – The Atlantic


from Like a Detuned RadioJanuary 03, 2012 at 09:59AM

Stickers + Kids

Stickers + Kids:


from Like a Detuned RadioJanuary 03, 2012 at 09:52AM

Book Sculptures

Book Sculptures:

by Guy Laramee.

These are lovely, but I keep thinking: What about the books? I’m sure many of them contain just as much magic in their pages without the need for carving tools.


from Like a Detuned RadioJanuary 03, 2012 at 08:42AM

I think we all know they didn’t help her across.

I think we all know they didn’t help her across.


from Like a Detuned RadioJanuary 03, 2012 at 08:25AM

Just pulled a broken sink stopper up with a novelty window toy’s suction cup. I will now respond only to MacGyver for the rest of the day.

@ironsoapJanuary 01, 2012 at 12:54PM

Twitter on New Year’s Eve is like showing up really late to a party where everyone is already drunk and laughing about earlier stuff.

@ironsoapJanuary 01, 2012 at 01:43AM