Archive for August, 2012|Monthly archive page

Pustule Concept Attempt #2

Taking some of :8bitartist:’s advice and inspiration from his pass on this subject (sadly the victim of a PS crash). This was done in about an hour in Photoshop Elements 8 with a tablet.

Still maybe not as goopy as it could be, and the reflection of the light source in the “water” is off somehow, but I think it’s an improvement on the original.


from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780August 07, 2012 at 02:33AM

First stop for daughter’s birthday fun. @ Children’s Fairyland

@ironsoapAugust 04, 2012 at 12:11PM

First stop for daughter’s birthday fun.

from InstagramAugust 04, 2012 at 12:10PM

Hard to believe my daughter turns three today. She’s like this actual, wonderful, funny little person now. And now the festivities begin.

@ironsoapAugust 04, 2012 at 11:14AM

There’s a better turnout for this meeting at 16:30 on a Friday than most 10:00 all-hands. Apparently the secret is free beer. #yahoo

@ironsoapAugust 03, 2012 at 04:32PM

Succubus Concept

Done in roughly six hours in Photoshop Elements 8 with Bamboo Capture tablet.

The image is small because my source image was small (source here). This was done basically painting right over the top of the source as a learning exercise. Lots of stuff I’d do differently if I were doing this for real (the wings, for example, I slapped on at the end and basically hate) but I spent enough time on it for now.


from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780August 02, 2012 at 11:00PM

I can’t believe how much caffeine I’ve consumed today. Unrelated, does anyone know how fast something has to vibrate to pass through matter?

@ironsoapAugust 02, 2012 at 04:19PM

Just saw a Prius back straight into a police SUV. The cop came over and said, “What happened?” Dude’s reply: “I hit something.” #youdontsay

@ironsoapAugust 01, 2012 at 11:59PM

Pustule Concept

Done in about 30 minutes in Photoshop Elements 8 with a tablet.

Pretty happy with how this came out, all said. Maybe could have been slimier looking. The background and text are kind of hokey.


from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780August 01, 2012 at 12:50AM