Archive for the ‘Facebook’ Category

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Nikki: You need to— Callie: —I already know that. Nik: Oh? You think you know everything? Callie: I know everything I need to know. Nik: Do you now. Callie: Hey, what’s that? Nik: So not exactly *everything* then.

from Paul Hamilton — July 11, 2013 at 08:26AM

Callie: [yells something semi-distinguishable from other room] Me: You want beets? Like the food? Or beats, like Dre? Callie: Not BEETS, FEETS. I want feet. Me: … Callie: Feets. Me: I still don’t know what to do with that.

from Paul Hamilton — June 30, 2013 at 03:13PM

Callie: Oh no! I lost my pen! Me: Where did you have it last? Callie: *considers* In this hand.

from Paul Hamilton — June 27, 2013 at 07:48PM

Callie: Why do you boss m me around? Me: Because right now, I’m the boss of you. Callie: Yeah. We’ll see about that. Me: …Teenager much? Callie: Look! I found a stick!

from Paul Hamilton — May 30, 2013 at 06:30AM

Me: (explaining about coconuts) Callie: Are you still talking to me? Me: …I thought you wanted to know. Callie: Ugh! Why do you *say* so much? Nikki: Get used to it, kid. Me: Ouch, everyone.

from Paul Hamilton — May 24, 2013 at 08:49AM

Me: I dunno, I still want the blueberry pancakes, but I should probably just get a fruit bowl and coffee. I need to reign it in. Nikki: Phhhbbbbbbtt. Me: You make a convincing argument.

from Paul Hamilton — May 19, 2013 at 10:34AM

Callie: *wielding a book* This is something I got from my grandfather. Inside are far away places.

from Paul Hamilton — May 17, 2013 at 06:02PM

Nikki: Hey! Wipe in the bathroom! That’s what it’s for! Callie: *meanders into living room, naked and holding a wad of TP* Nikki: Dude! The bathroom! Callie: Did you have to tell me twice? Nikki: Yes. You can count but you can’t listen. Callie: Huh? Nikki: Exactly.

from Paul Hamilton — May 08, 2013 at 08:06PM

Callie: Mommy, why do you put salt and pepper on your salad? Nikki: Because I’m silly. Callie: Okay. Nik: You accepted that a little too quickly.

from Paul Hamilton — April 24, 2013 at 06:38PM

Callie: “I have two hearts.” Me: “Are you a Time Lord!?” Callie: *shoots me a look* “No. I just have two hearts. One for the food, and one for the love.”

from Paul Hamilton — March 31, 2013 at 09:10PM