Archive for July, 2012|Monthly archive page
Nik: Well, if you don’t like carrots, don’t go in for more, dude! Callie: No, I’m getting a pea. I like them. Nik: Since when? Callie: Since my daddy does. (puts pea in mouth) Nik: Oh yeah? Callie: (chews) … (makes a face) Whatever.
from Paul Hamilton — July 26, 2012 at 08:36PM
Well-Fed Alien
Done in Sketchbook Pro on iPad with stylus.
I spent a ridiculously long time on this, something like eight to ten hours, fiddling and tweaking. It’s still not really what I wanted. After all that time, the part I’m happiest with is the background, which took me about ten minutes. Posting it anyway in hopes of some helpful critiques.

from deviantART: gallery:ironsoap/14915780 — July 24, 2012 at 02:47PM