Archive for February, 2012|Monthly archive page
Audrey Hepburn. Whenever I read an author use the adjective…
Audrey Hepburn.
Whenever I read an author use the adjective “elfin,” I think of her. In fact, most descriptions in fantasy novels of Tolkeinesque elves: almond eyes, fair skin, long neck, sharp ears; all seem to be more or less describing Hepburn.
Inspector Gadget, reimagined by rubendevela.
Inspector Gadget, reimagined by rubendevela.
My current addiction, Hero Academy by Robot Entertainment.
“How long shall they kill our prophetswhile we stand aside…
“How long shall they kill our prophets
while we stand aside and look?”
Can we get a live-action Robotech movie here, please? For…
Can we get a live-action Robotech movie here, please? For serious.